Summer in Texas means scorching heat, long days, and an influx of unwanted visitors to your lawn – fire ants! These pests can quickly take over your yard, causing discomfort, damage, and even health concerns for you and your family. At Evergreen Lawn and Landscape, we understand the importance of maintaining a healthy and safe outdoor space. That's why we're here to highlight the benefits of investing in fire ant control services for your lawn this summer.



The Dangers of Fire Ants:


Fire ants are more than just a nuisance; they can cause significant problems for your lawn and home. Their painful stings can cause swelling, itching, and even allergic reactions in some individuals. Moreover, fire ants can also:

  • Damage your lawn by digging complex networks of tunnels and mounds, causing soil erosion and uneven terrain.

  • Interfere with outdoor activities, such as outdoor gatherings.

  • Harm pets and young children who may accidentally disturb their mounds or ingest the ants.


Benefits of Fire Ant Control Services:


By investing in fire ant control services from Evergreen Lawn and Landscape, you can enjoy a fire ant-free summer and reap numerous benefits for your lawn and home. Our expert technicians will:

  • Identify and treat fire ant colonies to eliminate infestations.

  • Use environmentally friendly products to ensure the safety of your family, pets, and the environment.

  • Provide customized treatment plans to prevent re-infestation and ensure long-term control.


Additional Perks:


In addition to the obvious benefits of fire ant control services, our comprehensive approach also includes:

  • Lawn care maintenance to promote a healthy, dense lawn that's less susceptible to fire ant infestations.

  • Customized fertilization and pest control programs to address other common lawn issues.

  • Expert advice on how to maintain a fire ant-free lawn year-round.


Get Ready for a Fire Ant-Free Summer:


Don't let fire ants take over your outdoor space this summer. Contact Evergreen Lawn and Landscape today to schedule your fire ant control service appointment. Our team of experts will work with you to create a customized plan that meets your unique needs and ensures a pest-free summer.


At Evergreen Lawn and Landscape, we're dedicated to providing top-notch lawn care services that keep your outdoor space safe, healthy, and beautiful all year round. Trust us to keep those pesky fire ants at bay – call us now! (940) 321-3081