Best Tips On Lawn Care In Argyle TX | Lawn Tips
Showing 21-30 of 82 articles.

Add a Soil Surfactant Treatment to Your Lawn Care Plan This Summer in Texas

Add a Soil Surfactant Treatment to Your Lawn Care Plan This Summer in Texas
The summer heat in Texas can be stressful for your grass. One way to ensure your lawn stays healthy during this season is by adding a soil surfactant treatment to your lawn...
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Uncovering the Truth About Mowing Your Lawn After It Rains

Uncovering the Truth About Mowing Your Lawn After It Rains
Mowing your lawn should be done regularly throughout the growing season in Texas to ensure it looks lush and beautiful. However, if it has recently rained and...
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Texas Landscaping Ideas Front Yard

Texas Landscaping Ideas Front Yard
Texas Landscaping Ideas Front Yard Have you been looking for landscaping ideas for your front yard but don’t know where to start? You’re in luck! Texas is home ...
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How to Kill Weeds Without Killing Grass

How to Kill Weeds Without Killing Grass
How to Kill Weeds Without Killing Grass No matter how hard you try to prevent them, at some point, weeds will attempt to invade your lawn. Weeds are problematic...
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When is the Last Time to Mow Before Winter?

When is the Last Time to Mow Before Winter?
When fall starts approaching, people start getting excited about doing less yard work. The truth is though, there’s still work to be done in order to prepare for...
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When to Fertilize Lawn in Fall in Texas

When to Fertilize Lawn in Fall in Texas
Applying fertilizer in fall helps your lawn recover from the stresses of the summer. The heat and drought conditions of summer can take a toll on your grass, leaving it...
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Will Pre-emergent Kill Grass Seed?

Will Pre-emergent Kill Grass Seed?
No lawn is immune from weed growth. Weeds like to invade bare or thin areas of lawn. They will find a small spot, push their way through and try to take over....
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How to Prevent Weeds from Growing in Rocks

How to Prevent Weeds from Growing in Rocks
Rock landscaping is becoming more and more popular and there are many reasons why. The most common reason people decide to put down rocks is because they are very low...
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How Often Should You Prune Trees?

How Often Should You Prune Trees?
Research studies have stated that well-taken care of trees can increase property value by up to 14%. That statistic only rings true though, if you make sure to properly trim, ...
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How Often to Water Lawn

How Often to Water Lawn
Even the most experienced homeowners struggle with knowing how much and how often to water their lawn. People ask all the time, “Why isn’t my lawn lush and...
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