Best Tips On Lawn Care In Argyle TX | Lawn Tips
Showing 41-50 of 82 articles.

Is Pre-Emergent Safe for Dogs?

Is Pre-Emergent Safe for Dogs?
Pre-emergent herbicides are used for preventing weeds, most commonly, crabgrass from germinating. There is a great need for pre-emergent herbicides in Texas because...
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Side Walkway Landscaping Ideas

Side Walkway Landscaping Ideas
Most people don’t bother doing anything special with their side yard or they just forget about it. Side yards are typically narrow and shady. These are not ideal...
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Shade Tolerant Evergreen Shrubs

Shade Tolerant Evergreen Shrubs
Are you struggling with landscaping the shady parts of your yard? You are not alone. Many gardeners struggle with finding plants that will look good and thrive in shade. ...
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When to Apply Weed Control to Lawn

When to Apply Weed Control to Lawn
The most effective weed management strategy is to have a dense lawn that is healthy. Weeds will discover any vulnerability in your lawn and use that as an opportunity to ...
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When to Apply Pre-Emergent for Crabgrass

When to Apply Pre-Emergent for Crabgrass
What is crabgrass? Crabgrass is an annual weed that grows in clumps. The word grass is in the name because yes, it is a grass, but not one that you want growing in...
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Fertilizer for Evergreen Shrubs

Fertilizer for Evergreen Shrubs
Evergreens are known for their hardiness in all types of climates and soil conditions. But that doesn’t mean they never risk becoming deficient of vital...
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Landscaping Where Grass Doesn’t Grow

Landscaping Where Grass Doesn’t Grow
Do you have an area in your yard where grass just won’t grow? Are you tired of reseeding and resodding that one spot, just to get the same disappointing...
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Plants for Walkway Landscaping

Plants for Walkway Landscaping
Landscaping around your paths and walkways is a great way to unify the areas around your house. Short, low-growing plants will add texture and style to your...
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How Often Should I Replace Mulch?

How Often Should I Replace Mulch?
A fresh layer of mulch will give your landscape the finishing touch it needs to really stand out. Besides being aesthetically pleasing, mulch has many other benefits ...
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Evergreen Shrubs that Flower

Evergreen Shrubs that Flower
An evergreen shrub is a plant that has green foliage through more than one growing season. Simply put an evergreen will stay green all winter. Many people try to beat the...
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